Premium Deer Antler Velvet IGF-1 Supplements for Optimum Results

The primary function of the Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) centers on the development of muscles and muscle performance. It is highly responsible for transporting amino acids and glucose into the muscle while promoting muscle DNA. IGF-1 is produced in the liver as a reaction to Human Growth Hormone release, but as people age, HGH deficiency is experienced, resulting to the loss of IGF-1. The production of deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplements can address the IGF-1 deficiency in the human body.

Results of Increased IGF-1

There are many expected results of an increased IGF-1 level in the human body. It often results to muscular development, giving way to ultimate performance and quick recovery from intense physical activities. The muscles do not only benefit from IGF-1, but also other body tissues. This substance can also stimulate the production of enzymes and proteins, regulating the metabolism and the entire human immune system.

Deer Antler Supplements

It is proven effective that deer antler supplements contain high levels of IGF-1. Thus, manufacturers are consistently formulating deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplements for human consumption. However, such supplement must contain 100%, genuine, and premium deer antlers extract for optimum health benefits.

Stress Relief – IGF-1 can greatly assist in relieving stress, decreasing depression, while promoting overall wellness all at the same time. Clinical studies have indicated the anti-depressant effects of IGF-1, initiating long-lasting surge of neurochemical effects that lead to increased serotonin levels. This process primarily results to stress relief and decreased depression.

Healthy Skin and Hair – Moreover, IGF-1 has anti-ageing qualities that are responsible for reversing the ill effects of the natural ageing process. In relation to this, deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplements can greatly reverse the ageing effects from wrinkles to thinning hair, hair loss, and related problems.

Nerve Repair – Apparently, IGF-1 could also stimulate the repair of damaged nerves since it contains high levels of neurotrophin 3, a nerve growth factor that supports healthy nervous system.

Increased Strength and Bone Density – Genuine, all-natural deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplements can aid in achieving strong bone density and increase strength. People can enjoy these health benefits most especially the athletes and bodybuilders, considering their intense physical activities.

Quality of Sleep – Certainly, deer antlers are packed with IGF-1, amino acids and other trace minerals, making them the ultimate source of growth-enhancing factors. With high levels of IGF-1, users of deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplements could likewise achieve healthy, peaceful sleep while achieving a sense of alertness every following day. It can also enhance the memory and the overall mental health of individuals.

Sufficing Your Expectations

Without a doubt, there are many manufacturers of deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplements both on the local and global perspectives. Hence, it is important to determine the best supplement so as to suffice your expectations from such products. AntlerX has been making a loud buzz among athletes and bodybuilders today. This is because of the product’s safe and powerful formulation, efficiency, and reasonable price.

AntlerX contains the highest-grade of IGF-1 from premium New Zealand deer. With this in mind, you are assured of unlimited health benefits from improving your strength and athletic performance, endurance, and aerobic capability. You can also achieve an improvement in the immune system function, increase in lean muscle mass, enhancement in tissue regeneration, leading to healthy joints and metabolism. Experience the incredible effects of this deer antler velvet IGF-1 supplement by visiting

Author : Janet Cummin

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